So if you’re in a situation right now where you’re not really sure what to send a guy, But you kind of want to ramp up the attraction so bad or you feel like things have kind of died down a little bit,
here are 10 flirty text messages that you can send them that will make him feel really great about you.
Text messages that will make him want you
So flirty text messages number one that you can send that’s really flirty is
1.You looked really handsome yesterday or you looked really sexy yesterday
If you want to send them a message that lets him know that you think that he’s attractive and you don’t even have to put any emphasis on this.
So a lot of times what’s really powerful is to throw in something but just continue on with something else. so for instance, in this case, you’d send them it’s a text message that might say something like “ You looked really handsome yesterday or you looked really sexy yesterday” , and then you would just continue on with another conversation on a completely different thread that has nothing to do with that sexy comment or that handsome comment.
Because if you just throw that text message out there and then you don’t say anything after that and let him respond, he will be like okay “thanks” whereas if you continue on the conversation, he might respond to it and might not either way.
flirty text messages number two is
2. I really can’t seem to concentrate today, what you said to me yesterday has kept me thinking about you all night long.
What you’re gonna do here is you want to let him know that you’re thinking about him and maybe with some conversation that you had recently was really meaningful so for instance what you might say is
Basically what you’re doing here is, you’re telling him that one of the things that really motivate guys and make guys feel good about themselves is feeling like they’re attractive.
So when you say things like this or you say something that makes him feel like his personality, even more, is attractive that can be a huge ego booster for guys.
And if you know anything about guys, you know if you boost their egos in the right way, you can really make them feel more attracted to you.
3. I feel like you’re here with me right now.
So flirty text messages three is actually going to be one where basically what you want to let him know is that, he’s a calming presence in your life or he’s a calming presence to you.
Guys have this thing where they want to be biologically want to be providers and protectors. It makes them feel like men. It makes them feel that they are respected, that they’re worthy men.
So when you tell him that you wish he was there with you, especially if you’re in a situation where there’s something going on that might be like, you have an exam or you’re in a weird work environment or something like that, it can make him feel that he’s a really strong and powerful guy. It might even give him goosebumps
So flirty text messages number four is actually so good.
4. I enjoy doing things with you… I can’t wait to do that again.
What you’re gonna do here is you’re gonna let him know that you enjoy doing things with him, or you enjoy events more when he’s there. It’s just a subtle way of telling him that, you’re dangling a carrot and it’ll make him want to move forward and it’ll make him feel like your relationship with him is special.
So flirty text message number five is
What drives a man away from a relationship?
5.kinky sexual visual… hanging out in my … clothing choice… I just got out of the shower…
What you’re gonna do here is giving him some kind of kinky or sexual visual, and just mentioning it casually and this can get a guy thinking about it for days.
I mean seriously if a guy asks you what’s going on? What are you up to tonight and you say “oh I’m just hanging out my shorts, watching a movie or something you might end up sitting there thinking about you and the shorts for an entire day.
It’ll totally hook his mind.
Another one you could say “so sorry I just got out of the shower”. and then follow up with something and so you’re casually mentioning it.
What it’ll do is that it’ll distract his brain and it’ll put an image in his mind of you getting out of the shower and it’ll really tease his brain in that way.
All right flirty text messages number six so this one is
6. Tell him he was in your dream last night.
You’re gonna kind of piqued his curiosity and make him wonder about what you mean by telling him that he was in your dream and so what you’re gonna say is I had a weird dream about.
If you tell a guy that you had a dream about him, he immediately goes to thinking that it’s something sexual and so it’ll just put that idea in his mind and it’s a great way to ramp up that attraction that sexual attraction, sexual chemistry that you guys have between each other.
So flirty text messages number seven and
7. Ask him will you tell him to dream about me tonight.
What you’re gonna do here is you’re going to either ask him to dream about you or tell him to dream about you.
Either one can be really hot and it kind of breaks that whole thing.
One of the things that you have to realize is that a lot of guys have this fear that a woman will lose sexual interest in them.
It’s a massive nightmare scenario that a lot of guys experience even in marriage or in a relationship. especially in marriage
So, one way of expressing these feelings of sexual tension that a guy wants to have with you is by asking him “will you tell him to dream about me tonight “.
Either one of those is a really great text message to send to spike up that sexual chemistry.
What drives a man away from a relationship?
So flirty text messages number eight is
8 … I hope you not getting tired… don’t tire yourself out… We have plans tonight
If you’re going to send a text message to a guy say, you’re about to go on a date and maybe he hasn’t talked to you, maybe you just want to send something to him, a fun way to send something would be to kind of poke at him and just make sure you say something like the “I hope you’re not getting tired because we’re gonna have a fun night tonight”.
This will pique his curiosity and make him drive up his imagination and so what you’re gonna say is “don’t tire yourself out you know today or this afternoon we have plans tonight”.
so flirty text messages number nine is
9. Your voice is comforting to me… I’d like to hear your voice.
Basically, what you’re gonna do is tell him that his voice is comforting you and so what you’re gonna say is “I want to hear your voice.
This can encourage him to want to talk to you on the phone and it also soothes him and makes him feel like, he’s really attractive to you
So flirty text messages number ten
10. Ask for his opinion of an outfit… Can I get your honest opinion if it.
Here’s what you’re gonna do you’re gonna send him a text where you’re going to ask him, what his opinion is on an outfit that you’re wearing? and just sending him that even if you don’t actually send him a picture of your outfit which you probably will.
It’ll pique his curiosity and it’ll make him get him excited about the entire conversation that you’re about to have.
That’s a great way to pique his curiosity and it’s an imagination for what’s going on and what you’ve got going on.
What drives a man away from a relationship?
In summary here are texts that will make him want you
1. You looked really handsome yesterday or you looked really sexy yesterday
2. I really can’t seem to concentrate today, what you said to me yesterday has kept me thinking about you all night long.
3. I feel like you’re here with me right now.
4. I enjoy doing things with you… I can’t wait to do that again.
5. kinky sexual visual… hanging out in my … clothing choice… I just got out of the shower.
6. Tell him he was in your dream last night.
7. Ask him will you tell him to dream about me tonight.
8 … I hope you not getting tired… don’t tire yourself out… We have plans tonight.
10. Ask for his opinion of an outfit… Can I get your honest opinion of it?